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Week #17

This week we finally started working on a design that feels reasonable in terms of size and power.

We've got a lot of help from Oren, an industrial designer, and together we printed a 3D model which we plan on connecting to a motor, and research it's pros and cons.

We started thinking about using a big screw, which will be on the base of the product. The screw would be cycled using a motor, and lift the computer. When the computer reached the required height, the motors goes to sleep, and the screw is the one holding everything up there.

With the right materials and design, and with the amazing help of Oren we believe we could create our second prototype this way.

Andrey was also excited about the idea and built us a demo from lego which represents the movement we are trying to achieve. see images below.

Our goal for the following week is to finish building it, and adding some motors to it.

Let's hope it would work amazingly as we expect it to!

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