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Weeks #14-16


We are now after our exams and can write about our progress. We decided to do a market research to see what we can do better. We found out that there is NO Standing electric portable desktop, but we did find some cool standing electric portable desktop that are not so expensive. We decided to order one of them from Amazon and check it out. We got it not so long ago and we still try to find ways to enhance it and not just to make it automatic. One insight we got is that it is very good idea to put ventilators inside the board to keep the computer cool. Moreover, when we did our user testing we were lucky to have a left-handed subject, for our next design we need to have an option to put the mouse on both sides unlike the product we bought. Now we are starting to plan our next prototype. We aim to make it lighter by printing it in the 3D printer in our workshop. We are lucky to have Adi in our team that started model it and we hope that we will soon have a new prototype to exam.

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