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Week #13

Hi again!

This week we presented our idea and prototype in the Microsoft Accelerator at We-Work London Minster Tel-Aviv. We worked very hard on our presentation and we received very good feedback about it and some critics. We still have long way to go through. Our challenges so far are the designing: to make this product both light, stable, compact, automatic and cheap. The engagement won't be easy as all health product. After the presentation we came back and started to think on new ways how to make STU more compact. One idea we wanted to try is to connect the legs directly to the computer, without the need of a board to support it. So, we thought about a solution for the mouse and created a small "shelf" for the mouse that plugs in the USB connection. We took a DiscOnKey and covered it with corrugated plastic sheeting and on top we attached a small wood board in a shape of a square. After a few user tests we understood that using this "shelf" can harm the computer hardware because to much pressure is on the mouse and mostly on the USB connection. This prototype failed.

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