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Weeks #7-8

So last week we started thinking about a design that will allow us to take the computer up and down in more effective way than putting two boxes one on top the other and let the user get the feeling of something rising so he will also rise from sitting to standing position. We also noticed that students needs place to put their mouse and therefore we made our first prototype- a jack with a board on top of it. We found out that the jack is not a good solution because it's not high enough and it's not easy to lift up (takes a lot of time). During the week we thought about other possible products that has a lifting mechanism. We also ran a market research about the existing products and found out that there is no mobile and no solution that encourages the user to stand by raising automatically. This week we build our second prototype witch combined a plastic bag and two wood boards. We run a user testing and found out that people liked the way the air is filling the bag and lifting their laptop. The hight from the floor should be 115 cm, and that it wasn't stable enough but they felt comfortable with the air filling process. Photos and videos attached :)

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