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Week #6

Last Sunday we went a little bit deeper into our need trying to specify it a little more. We decided that we want to focus on helping student that use to sit long period of time while they study or work by trying to interrupt their sitting time. I know it may be still unclear what we are aiming for, so stay with me a little more and you will understand everything by hiring what will be our first naïve solution. The group chose one ground rule for our solution to be which is not interfering the student studies while changing his position. Our first and naïve solution will be a devise or even a pad a computer stand that will rise up every half an hour (or any other time that the user will adjust) to a user’s customize height. Did I mention we were very productive last week? We even went out to the library testing our new solution. We took a big white plastic box. Then, we “genteelly” approached studying students and asked them to assist us with our project. After they agreed, we placed the big plastic box underneath the laptop. By doing that, raised the student’s laptop by 60 cm. following that, we asked the student to keep on doing whatever they were doing on their laptop. we were sure that all of the participant will stand but for some weird unknown reason most of the students kept working while they are sitting down, braking their neck and hanging their arms up. It was hilarious, you are welcome to see it yourself). So we realized that we need more than just a pad to raise the computer up. Our prototype will need to have space for the user’s mouse, and what about student who works with laptop and notebooks how can we interrupt their sequence of siting without interrupting their focus. And how we can imply the user to stand when the devise rises or maybe we don’t. maybe our little guerilla experiment isn’t totally valid. One thing for sure we need to do more research. Stay tuned for more.

Have a little taste from our funny tests:

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