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Week #5

The last two weeks were very interesting. We didn't like the direction of our idea, so we decided to start all over. We started by watching students behavior in campus and noticed that most of them are in sitting position. We thought about how many hours we sit as students per day and found out it is more than 10 hours including driving, eating, studying ext. We started to look at the Internet what is the consequences of long time sitting and found out it is very unhealthy not only for the spine but to our heart, blood pressure, and that there is a term "sitting disease" which describes many diseases that are connected to longtime sitting such as cancer and diabetes. We started interviewing students about their sitting habits and found out that they don't aware to all the risks and they do sit a lot during the day but if they had another option they would like to try it out. We presented our new need in front of the MiLAB prototype course. We understood we need to decide how do we want to handle this need, by minimize sitting or to interrupt a sitting sequence. In the past week we started to think about solutions with two techniques we studied about at class for these two needs, images attached.

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