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Week #3

This week we met with all the team members to find the main problem out of the many problems that arose during our interviews. During the meeting, each one presented the interview he had conducted and from which we proposed the problems that were raised by us. Of all the problems, we identified four problems that were repeated in all the interviews: 1- Managing the right agenda so that the student will be able to perform both the urgent and important things. 2- Lack of social interaction in the professional aspect 3- Lack of social interaction in the fun aspect 4- The inability to find time for sports and eating right on a daily basis Now we need to decide what is the main problem among those four problems. In order to identify the main problem, we conducted a kind of interview for each of us. In fact, each member of the team had to tell how he coped with each of the four problems. After each person presented his coping with the same problems, we realized that in our opinion the main problem is that people are not managing their time and doing the most urgent things that are important to them. After understanding the main problem we decided to know what really important things are and what are the urgent things to do in order to understand what the main need of each student and once we know the main need we may understand why it is really difficult for people to do what they want and need to do and help them manage time Their better. From the meeting we went out with two main tasks: one was a questionnaire with a number of questions to diagnose what people wanted and wanted to do on a daily basis but were not satisfied, and we continued our interviews, but this time the interview is based on one question that identifies the important things and what are the urgent things for each and every one of them. The interview will continue without any obvious questions.

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